Hair Braiding.CA

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions:

Thank you for asking. We are a:

  1. Directory/ marketplace: Black hair braiding and hair care professionals can meet clients in need of quality hair care.
  2. A resource: We regularly publish new articles about hair braiding and black hair care, to help spread accurate info.
  3. A store: We stock a small but growing amount of black hair care products. After you book with a hair care professional here, we can either provide or recommend a provider near you that has the items you need, wen you need them.

Directory Questions:

Complete the “Get Listed” form on our main page to get started.

Booking Questions:

Each provider has different ways of going about things. Some providers want you to call to book. Most of the professionals listed here will allow you to book with the, directly from their profile.

Marketplace Questions:

We have a wide range of different options that can help you meet your customer base. Contact us for more information.